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Webinar: IBMA - The Future is Biocontrol - Have Your Say!

The Future is Biocontrol - Have your Say!

Join us on May 21 at 14:00 CET  to discuss how we can ensure biocontrol remains at the center of the debate. You will hear about the changing political landscape from Sustainable Public Affairs and be asked for your input on shaping the strategic focus of IBMA for the period 2025-2029.


Please find here the latest calendar of IBMA events and meetings (updated 20.02.2023). If you require any information on attending or joining these meetings please contact britta.schnittger@ibma-global.org

(Artemis is niet verantwoordelijk voor de organisatie van dit evenement en aanvaardt geen aansprakelijkheid voor de verstrekte informatie en/of inschrijvingen)